Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.) Grave in Medina, Saudi Arabia. May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon the prophet, his family, his companions and all momeneen and momeenats in this world, past , present and future Aameen.

Part of Author’s last visit to Medina and Mecca to perform Pilgrimage

Author visits natural gaysers at Yellowstone National Park,Montana and Wyoming USA 2005. It was an amazing sight to see. Once in a lifetime shot. Go see the wonders of gaysers shooting up in the sky from time to time, all by themselves without human interference.

“Which is it of the favors of your Lord will you deny ” (Quran Surah Ar-Rehman:16)

Author at the 8th Wonder of the World : The Grand Canyon, Arizona July 2006. No matter how many times one visits this 8 million old wonder created by Allah, one tends to go back. It’s just breathtaking. My first impression was shock and then awe.

“Which is it of the favors of your Lord will you deny.”Quran Surah Ar-Rehman:16”.

Author visits Zoological Garden to see the wild desert plants (Pheonix, Arizona 2005).

There were plants I saw which are found only in deserts like arizona, which in summer can get so hot that even under the shade of a tree you can get no respite. Despite this, there were trees which grow and live without water and create their own water reserve and animals drink from them. Amazing. SubhanAllah Wal HumduAllah.

Which is it of the favors of your Lord will you deny” (Quran:Suran Ar-Rehman)

Author’s last visit to Beautiful Alaska, USA July 2006. This is what the eyes should be used to observing and glorifying the One who has created such beauty. How unfortunate a soul is that do not thank his/her Lord for giving it the opportunity to observe such untouched beauty. I was literally holding my breath on the entire voyage. SUBANALLAH WALHUMDUALLAH

Surely in the Heavens and the Earth are signs for Believers (Koran 45:3)

Author visits Colorful Red Rock Canyon ,April 2006, near Los Vegas to observe the wonders of Red, Black, white and yellow streaks in mountians all in one place

“…..And among the mountains are streaks, white and red, of various hues and (others) intensely black” Al-Quran 35:27 SubhanAllah WalhumduAllah.

Dog Kennel close to Denali National Park, Alaska 2006

Despite widespread Muslim belief that dogs are dirty and filthy, they are mentioned in the Quran in more places than one. They should be loved not loathed. In Chapter 18 titled Kahf (cave) there is a story of young men who stood up to the whole city and declared their monotheism for God. God loved them. They use to love their dog and it would go everywhere with them. Please read between the lines of the following verses and determine for yourself if dog has ever been an issue for God.

Quran 18:13 ” We narrate unto you their story with truth . Surely they were young men who believed in their Lord and We increased them in guidance”

Quran 18: 18…………… and their dog stretching out his paws at the entrance (to the cave)

Quran 18:22……………..”(Some) will say they were three, their dog the fourth,and (some)say: Five, their dog the sixth, guessing at random; and (some)say: seven, their dog the eight. Say(O Mohammad): My Lord is best aware of their number…….”

Quran 5:4 ” They ask you what is made lawful for them. Say: good things are made lawful for you. And the beasts and birds of prey which you have trained as hounds are trained, you teach them which Allah taught you, so eat of that which they catch for you and mention Allah’s name unon it………”

Author takes a special tour of King William Sound all day ferry, Alaska to see Twenty six (26) glaciers. I would recommend anyone who has the wherewithal and health to take this trip before departing this world. Wouldn’t you like to know what you have been missing your whole life, huh !

Quran” Surely In the Heavens and the Earth there are signs for believers”

Author visits Aleska Resort, on his way to Seaward Island in South Alaska and wonder at the beauty from above.

Quran 3:191 ” such as remember Allah, standing, sitting, and reclining, and consider the creation of the heavens and the earth, ( and say) : Our Lord! You have not created this in vain. Glory be to You! preserve us from the doom of Fire”

Author Visits Alaska Zoo to see the unique animals only found in Alaska

Quran 45:4 ” And in your creation, and all the beasts that HE scatter in the earth, are signs for people whose faith is sure”

Author visits Sea World Orlando, Florida, to see Dolphins in Action

Quran 6: 38 ” There is not an animal in the earth, nor a flying creature flying on two wings, but they are communities like unto you. We have neglected nothing in the book, then to their Lord they will be gathered”

Author visits Grand Canyon,Arizona, twice and still fails to comprehend the magnitute of the Great Divide and its various colors. Praise be to God.

Quran 2:116 ” And they say: Allah has taken unto Himself a son. Be He glorified! Nay, but whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth is His. All are subservient unto Him”

Balakot, Pakistan Earthquake 2005

It laid almost whole town to waste. Thousands perished, young, old ,men, women , children ( no exception).

Quran Surah Isra ayt # 58 ” There is not a township but We shall destroy it before the Day of Resurrection, or punish it with dire punishement. That is set forth in the Book (of Our decrees).

Quran Surah Surah Anfal ayat # 25 ” And guard yourself against chastisement which cannot fall exclusively on those of you who are wrong doers, and know that Allah is severe in punishement”

Quran Surah Anaam ayt #65 ” Say: He is able to send punishment upon you from above you or from beneath your feet……….”

Quran 15:16 ” And certainly in the heaven we have set mansions of the stars, and We have beautified it for beholders

Quran 15:17″ And We have guarded it against every accursed devil”

Quran 15:18″ Except him who steals a hearing, so there follow him a visible flame”

December, 28th. 2009. The Day Business District of Karachi, Pakistan Burned to the Ground.

This was a grim reminder from Allah to those who are multi-millionaires that they can become paupers overnight. We should look around us: there are our brothers, sisters, parents, friends, neighbors who need our help but never ask for it and we have the wherewithal to help them with but we hold back, afraid we will loose our precious wealth but when the hammer of God falls, it takes away everything and we sit down dejected, self-reproaching and can’t undo anything, even if we try.

Surah Al-Kahf vv 46 ” Wealth and Children are an ornament of the life of this world. But the good deed that endure is better in your Lord’s sight for reward, and better in respect of hope.”

Surah Qasas vv 77 ” And seek by means of what Allah has given you the abode of the hereafter, and do not neglect the portion of this world, and do good (to others) as Allah has done good to you, and do not seek to make mischief in the land, surely Allah love not the mischief-makers.”

Surah Nisa vv 37 ” Those who hoard their wealth and enjoin avarice on others and hide what Allah has given them of His grace; and We have prepared for the ingrates a disgraceful chastisement.”

Haiti’s Earthquake Kills an estimated 200000 in 60 seconds

Surah Al-Anaam vv 6 ” See they not how many generation We destroyed before them, whom We have established in the earth more firmly than we have established you, and We shed on them abdundant showers from the sky, and made the rivers flow beneath them. Yet We destroyed them for their sins, and created after them another generation.”

Surah Yunas vv. 13 ” We destroyed the generations before you when they did wrong; and their messangers came unto them with clear proofs but they would not believe. Thus do We requite those who sin.”

Surah TA-HA vv 20 ” Is it not a guidance for them (to know) how many generation We have destroyed before them amid whose dwellings they walk? Surely, therein are signs for men of understanding.”


As I would go on my morning walks through the wooded areas in Rhode Island, I would often stop in my tracks to listen to the whistled song of this tiny, little bird. Sounds like ((“Hey, sweetie!”)). You won’t believe what this particular chirping can do to soothe and relax your senses. SubhanAllah Wal HumduAllah.

Quran Surah Al-Anbiya vv 79 ” ……………….. and we subdued the hills and the birds to hymn (HIS)praise along with David; and WE were the doers (thereof).”

Surah Al-Isra vv 44 ” The seven heavens and the earth and all that is therein praise HIM, and there is not a thing but hymn HIS praise; but you understand not their praise. Surely, HE is Forbearing, Forgiving.”

The man whispered “God, speak to me”
And a meadowlark sang. (Meadowlark is a song bird similar to chikadee)
But the man did not hear.

So the man yelled “God speak to me!”
And the thunder rolled across the sky.
But the man did not listen.

The man looked around and said “God let me see you”
And a star shone brightly.
But the man did not notice.

And the man shouted “God show me… a miracle”
And a life was born.
But the man did not know.
So, the man cried out in despair.
“Touch me God and let me know that you are here!”
Whereupon God reached down and touched the man.
But the man brushed the butterfly away and walked on.

Be Observant, Allah is speaking to you through all the animals, mountains, rivers, pasture, fruits and drink that HE has given you to savor or taste. Just don’t forget to thank your Lord for all the favors HE has bestowed on you.

This is at once unislamic and Western based propaganda.

Marriage is a sacred duty incumbent on all: parents , sons and daughters and the above picture and caption is an insult to our prophet saaw (maaz Allah) who has set example of marrying an older than him woman (hazrat khadija r.a.) and younger than him girl (hazrat ayesha r.a.) who were without any books or educated yet hold high lofty places in this world and hereafter as long as the heavens and earth remains.

We are, AlhumdulAllah, Muslims as such girls are married as soon as their parents find them suitable matches. Some are, unfortunately getting frustrated due to high demands of dowry (another unislamic hindu tradition). For all such Allah in Quran has exhorted patience until they find a way out from Allah.

Subhan Allah Wal HumdulAllah. Allah granted me a complete Umra in a dream on the night of 24th March 2014. “AlhumdulAllahay Ladi Fadal Lana Alayay Kathir min Ibadil Mumeneen”.- This is my prayer to Allah: My Lord like me, grant all my Muslim brothers and sisters umra and Hajj both in a dream or in reality. Ameen Ya Rabalaalameen. —– The photo is from actual Umra performed in 2011 Shabaan.

July 27, 2024 3:15 pm


For a long time now, I have been contemplating writing about my True Islamic dreams which Allah had shown me since I was a child. This website is only an attempt to share my dreams with their respective interpretations with anyone here who is like-minded and might get inspired or would like to share similar experiences with me or the world. I have entitled them as sacred dreams. I will try to transliterate some Arabic and Urdu words for the benefit of western audience. So, here are some Arabic words that you must understand and know.


( Aul-Laah)The God of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad. This is actually an Arabic word meaning God or caretaker of the Heavens and the Earth and sustainer of all life therein. It is the same Elohim of the Old testament and the Persians and Pakistani call Him Khuda (ku-da). He neither has any shape, form nor does He resemble anything that He has created in the seven (7) Heavens or the Earth. SubhanAllah


( Koo-raan) (litreral meaning Lecture) The holy book which was revealed by Allah through Angel Jibraeel to the qulb of Mohammad (s.a.w) during his lifetime. Originally the revelations or Ayas (verses) were written on parchments by the companions of the prophet (s.a.a.w). After his death in the reign of third (3) Caliph of Islam Hazarat Usman r.z it was compiled in the form of a book which came to be known as Quran.


(Ma-laa-a-ka)Angel in English and Farishta in Persian and Urdu.


( Moo-hum-mud)The last prophet and messenger of Allah to mankind according to the Quranic belief. This is the cornor-stone on which the Muslim faith is formed.


(EEH-SA)Jesus Christ in English and Yasu Masi in Urdu. Muslims believe that he was sent as a prophet to the children of Israel and he performed tremendous miracles with Allah’s permission and was helped in this by Ruh-ul-Ameen.

Ruh-ul Ameen:

(rooh -aul -aa-meen)Arch angel Gabriel in English and Jibraeel in Arabic and Urdu. It is Muslims’ belief that he was instrumental in delivering the Wahi to the prophets of Allah and is the chief of all the angles whose strength and numbers is only known to Allah.


(wwh-hee) The deliverance of message by an angel to a prophet’s Qulb unknown to others around him.
Qulb: (Kk-aal-b) The inner most part of the heart.

Salal Allah Waalia Wasalam:

Short of which is (SAAW). This is a salutation-prefix must be added, every time the name of Mohammad is mentioned, which a Muslim seek from Allah to be bestowed on the last prophet of GOD, Muhammad.
PBUH: (Peace Be Upon Him) Prefix, similar to SAAW but is not exclusive to Mohammad. It must be used when mentioning the name of any prophet or messenger.

Bait-u-Allah or khaba:

(bait-oul-la) (kaa-baah)a huge rectangular stone structure within the premises of Haram believed by Muslims to be the House of God on this earth. All muslims, whereever they might be living, must turn their faces towards this Khaba not to worship it but to turn in unison towards it to show their solidarity and prove that there is but One God they worship.


(haa-rum)The Inviolable Place of Worship. This is the boundry wall inside which is located the Bait-u-Allah. Sometimes this term is loosly defined as the area outside the boundry wall as well entering which a person comes under certain Islamic obligations.


(shay-taan) Satan who belongs to the tribe of Jinn.


(Literal meaning : that which is hidden) Creatures who are made of smokeless fire by Allah before the birth of Adam(PBUH). According to Quran they can observe humans and we human cannot observe them plainly with our eyes. Some authentic traditions of Prophet s.a.w. and authentic events recorded by later generation have proven that Jinns can take human form when they come in touch with humans. Their real form, whatever that maybe, will only be visible to us only on the day of judgement.


(Saa-laah) Prayers in English and Namaz in Persian and Urdu. There are five (5) obligatory salah enjoined on a muslim daily.


(Zee-nah) an act looked down upon by Allah whereby a man indulges in sex with a woman outside the bounds of marriage. This act contains both fornication and adultery. Unfortunately the learned Christians and Jews have twisted this word to mean only adultery, whereby a married man cannot have sex with another married woman. On the other hand,they have allowed sex outside marriage for consenting adults also known as fornication. In Islam both fornication and adultery comes under Zina.


(Ree-bah) A act of taking interest from /on your capital or money which you give to an individual or an institution which is considered forbidden in Islam.

Allah has made it very clear to Momeneen in Quran, Surah Bakarah aya # 278/279 ” O you who believe! Observe your duty to Allah and give up what remains ( due to you) of Riba, if you are believers. But if you do not, then be warned of war from Allah and His messanger (s.a.w). And if you repent, then you shall have your capital (without Riba). Wrong not and you shall not be wronged.” Many interpretation of Riba has been given by different Islamic and non-islamic scholars for and against Riba. Some have named it Usuary and have allowed interest, thus falling into the trap of Shaytan. Call it Usuary or Interest, it is the same. Some justify taking interest in the contemporary times due to constraints of world economy. One school of islamic thought believes that all types of interest falls under the definition of Riba, be it money in bank deposited as savings or be it given to an individual at a higher rate of return. Author tends to agree with this school of thought. In urdu Riba is known as Soud (sood).

Hadeeth or Hadit:

(haa-dees)Sayings of the Prophet narrated by his his faithful companions and recorded by experts in compilation of such sayings.This term also includes saying of Prophet s.a.w.’s trusted companions.

Sunnah or Sunnat: (sunn- naah):

Arabic word meaning Tradition, Characteristic, Nature. This sunnah can be of Allah (as mentioned in the Quran on many places) of a King or any other individual. Mostly in Islamic terminology we use this term to define the character, traditions and nature of Rasul Allah (s.a.w.)


(Rah-sool) term used in arabic signifying a messanger of God both human and an Angel. In Persian and Urdu we use Paygambar(pah-ghum-ber) meaning rasool.


(Sche-rik) Arabic term meaning associating anyone or anything with or equal to Allah. The term as was used 1500 years ago in the times of our prophet (s.a.w) has taken on different connotations since then. At that time, the Kafirs (disbelievers in the monotheism of Allah) of Mecca use to consider Angels as daughters (God forbid) of Allah and believed that they would be the intercessors for them on Judgment day and also they have carved up different statutes in order to get access to Allah through them. In present day Shirk is different. Now Shirk is synonymous to excessive love of Money, Wife, Husband, Parents Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Children, Property, Business, Saving Bonds, Prize Bond etc etc. more than Allah. Anything that creates a mental picture of reliance in a person’s mind and that person starts to rely on that material or immaterial thing besides/instead of The One God, could be associating these as partners to Allah as these could be a cause of Shirk.


( Caa-Firr) Most misunderstood term of Arabic for those who are non-Muslims and even those who are Muslims. Here is why:

When I conducted research on this word, I found the answers in Quran.

There are two meaning to it:

#1 When a person is presented with all proof/testimony and facts and his/her heart also gives evidence to it but he/she still turns away stubbornly and refuses to accept it, he/she is called a Kafir in Arabic.

#2 Another type of Kafir is exemplified through Surah Shuara vv.18-19 when Faroh was addressing Hazrat Musa (P.B.U.H)as a father addresses a son and said that ” we have raised you among us as our son and you have lived among us for many years and you did what you did but you have turned out to be a KAFIR” Here Faroh did not mean Kafir in the sense of disbelieve but in the sense of son being UNGRATEFUL to a father.

Hence, anyone who is ungrateful to Allah for whatever HE has provided or not provided for that person’s sustenance and curses his misfortune is committing Kufr and is also termed as a kafir. It doesn’t matter if he calls himself a Muslim or non-Muslim.


(Mos-lem or Muss-lim) Term associated with a person who submits himself/herself to Allah by following the teachings of Quran and Prophet (saw). These days the term is distorted to refer to anyone who accepts Islam as his/her religion without following or practicing Quranic and Prophetic teachings and without the performance of good deeds. This has given birth to the notion of salvation found in Christianity that no matter what you do if you take Jesus for son of God (may Allah forgive), you will be allowed entry to the Kingdom of Heaven and Jesus will take upon himself all your sins. This practice, unfortunately has given birth to the notion in a country like Pakistan to many types of Shirks among them visiting many shrines and praying to the dead person directly to ameliorate their misery or get them access to Allah instead of asking/imploring Allah directly and alone.


(Moo-min) Higher grade accorded by Allah to a muslim who is stedfast, persevere under dire straits, employs his mental and spritual abilities to fight evil within and outside and tries to connect examples mentioned in the quran to his daily life activities and thereby shun that which is forbidden and accepts that which is beneficial for his/her character and moral development and whose life is spent in goodness and righteousness.


(Ha-za-rat) Mr. in English and Gaanaab in Urdu


Islamic Dreams: Preamble and Sources

Dream interpretation is mentioned in the Quran and the Prophet (saw) regularly practiced it himself and also interpreted the dreams of his companions. This website will attempt to explain my dreams as interpreted by me to the best of my knowledge and ability. The basic concept of Islamic dream interpretation has been taken up from Mohammad bin Sareen (an early Fiqh-jurisprudence and Hadeeth scholar. Period: 653-729CE). His famous book “Dreams and Interpretations” has helped me understand about Islamic dreams. All excerpts of his book are actually a compilation of Abu Hurara [Prophet (saw) trusted companion] who narrated from the Prophet himself.
Finally, the person who provided me the impetus in writing my dreams and their interpretation is Dr. Bilal Philips (A great scholar; lecturer of Arabic and Islamic studies at the American University in Dubai and Ajman University in Ajman, UAE.) His famous book “Dream Interpretation according to Quran and Sunnah” has helped me a lot in my interpretations. Although I have never met him but after reading his book, I saw an Islamic Dream which I will mention later on.
According to Abu Hurara (RA), the prophet said “there are three types of dreams: a righteous dream which is glad tidings from Allah, the dream which cause sadness is from satan, and the dreams from the ramblings of the mind”. (Source: Sahih Muslim vol. 4, pg. 1224, no. 5621; Sahih Bukhari vol.9, pg. no. 116)

Rumblings of the Mind:

The way I look at it, I have seen ramblings of my mind shown in dreams. These dreams send a mixed signal to the mind and depict what you are going through at a particular time in your life. For example you are having a week of bad time with your wife, your children, your parents or your co-workers and boss has stressed you out at work. You have had a serious fight with your friend or someone on street etc. You have become obsessed with a women or men. Now in your exhaustive frame of mind you are bound to see these kinds of dreams and they are sometimes all jumbled up. The best way to differentiate between this type of dream and others mentioned by the Prophet (saw) is to remember that these dreams are short lived in your memory and they do not leave any lasting impression in your life.

Dreams from Satan:

I have had on many occasions seen dreams which are promiscuous(sexual) in orientation, someone dying at my hand, I am jumping from a height, someone very close to me dying or lying dead before me. Sometimes the satan will try to attack you indirectly through another human being or directly in the form of Jinn and their kinds. These types of dream can again be differentiated from others because there is no element of divinity in it. These dreams are devoid of any good tidings or the right direction in life. They only create disharmony in life and tend to make one sad and fearful. People in the west call them nightmares. My sincere advice is to not tell anyone about them but seek refuge in Allah from satan.

Dreams from Allah:

These type of dreams are at once divine in nature and their nature and interpretation will become clear to you with the passage of time and with the constructive development of your mental and physical attitude towards life in general and to the life in hereafter in particular. Some of these are so clear that they require no interpretation and I have been blessed to have witnessed the like of them. Some others require interpretation and the best person to interpret is the one who is shown such dreams by Allah. Now how will one judge if the person been shown the dream is the right person to interpret. In this regard the saying of Prophet (saw) is very clear. Abu Hurara (RA) reports that the prophet (saw) said: “Those of you with the truest dreams will be those who are most honest in speech” (Source: Sahih Muslim, vol 4, pg, 1224, no. 5621). Now it depends on the person who is listening to a dream been narrated to stop and think whether the person telling me such a dream is of good conduct, honest in his everyday dealings and and truthful in speech. If not then you can easily spot a liar.

The Million dollar question is:

Why is Allah showing such dreams to a person when all doors to prophethood are closed and there will be no more divine books or messengers coming after Mohammad(saw) ? Quran says “today I have perfected your religion for you, completed my favor on you, and have chosen Islam as your religion” ( Chapter 5 verse 3)
There are basically three reasons (there might be more but I came up with these three:

Allah wishes to show favor to his slave:

If Allah is well pleased with His servant or a believer, He show believer His favor through a dream. This way a believer’s heart is at rest and he knows whatever he is doing, Allah is pleased with him. Allah is explicit in Quran about this “ It is not befitting for a human that Allah should speak to him except by way of inspiration(dreams), from behind a veil, or he sends a Rasool( an angel is the shape of a man) to reveal or declare what He wishes by His permission. Indeed, He is the Most High, Most Wise” (Quran, chapter 42 verse 51).

We must, however, keep three important factors in mind when expanding on this revelation otherwise the result could be devastating on a human mind; the mind loves to play tricks and the person being bestowed with such dream inspiration might delve in forbidden territories which create an intellectual vacuum. This vacuum is then filled by satan who unceasingly inspire that person to become what he dare not be in real life and thus rebel against his Lord; just like he made our father and mother Adam (PBUH) and Eve to eat of a forbidden tree, enticing them to become immortals .A human, weak in determination and unaware of Quranic teachings, might start considering himself to be or equal to a prophet. This has happened to people in the past. May Allah guide and protect the believers from all such satanic thoughts (Ameen). To eliminate this eventuality from our thoughts we must believe and remember that the direct route to inspire through Wahi, brought down by an Angelic Rasool to a Human Rasool ended with the demise of Mohammad (saw) in 570AD. Only way left is through dream inspiration. Later on you will see, one of my dreams consist of an Angel who spoke to me. Another thing mentioned in the above verse is that Allah speaks to human beings from behind the veil. Here again it is all Muslims’ belief that this refers to Prophet Moses (PBUH) when Allah spoke to him on Quay Toor (Mount Sinai) mentioned both in Old testament and Quran. Also Allah spoke to Mohammad (saw) behind the veil on the seventh heaven in his vision. Allah has left no doubt in the minds of his servants regarding this last issue. Allah says
“No vision (eye) can comprehend (see) Him, but He comprehend (see) all Vision (eye). He is the Subtle, The Aware.” (Quran Al-Anam verse 103).
Thus all created being be it humans, angels, jinns or any other creatures known and unknown created by the All Mighty cannot see him. Nor have they seen him in past, present or will they ever see him in future( no matter how high exalted they might be). No authetic hadess of Rasul Allah will claim that rasul Allah s.a.w saw Allah during his journey (miraj). In this regard Hazrat Aisha r.z., the mother of all believers is on record saying when asked by companion of Rasul Allah if he s.a.w has indeed seen Allah, she said “”How can anyone see Allah when he is Noor (light)?”” Thus, Only on the Day of Judgement, Allah will show himself to His devoted slaves, whom He wishes. (Allah humma jaalna min hum)May Allah allow and include us in those slaves-Ameen)

Allah wishes to raise the rank of his slave

Allah in the Quran calls Himself Rafi-ud-Darajat-(Raiser of Ranks of his slaves) (Surah 40:15). This is another way by which Allah shows His favor: that I am pleased with what you are doing( treating other human beings with kindness, eliminating your bad habits which are Add Imagedispleasing to Me, being kind to your parents, your neighbors, wayfarer, poor, your relatives, avoiding Zina, Riba, Alcohol etc). Through such dreams Allah makes a believer’s heart strong and sure in this life of this world and in the hereafter he will be accorded an unprecedented welcome according to his rank.

Allah wishes to show what’s in store for slave:

Another reason why Allah shows such dreams is to let the believer be joyous in the fact that what is in store for him is tremendous and will not waste away. But, here again, one must be careful. The dreams which shows bliss is only a glimpse of what is in store. (I will narrate one such dream later on). Quran says “No soul knows what delights of the eye are kept hidden for them, as a reward for their (good) deeds” (Surah 30:17)

Lastly in defense of my dreams I will quote the prophet here. Abu Hurara (RA) reports from the Prophet “Nothing is left of the prophethood except glad tidings.” The companions asked “what glad tidings O prophet of Allah.” And the prophet replied “good dreams”. (Source: Sahih Bukhari vol 9, p98, no.119).
In another narration from Anas ibn Maalik (RA) the prophet (saw) said “A good dream of a righteous person is one of forty-six parts of prophethood”. (Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol 9, p 94, no.112)

Keeping in mind the above mentioned facts let me start to write down my dreams. Before that I must mention this verse of the Quran “Who does more wrong then him who invents a lie against Allah” (Surah 11:18) and also the authentic saying of Prophet (SAW) quoted by Abdullah Ibn Umar (RA) ” Indeed, the worst lie is that of a person who falsly claims to have a dream ” (Sahih Al-Bukhari vol. 9, p135, no.167).Therefore, this is an honest attempt by me to narrate here all the dreams as they occurred to me. The period of occurrence is around 30 years (Could be less or more). The dreams are so lucid that I could not detect any anomaly in them. In my zeal to describe them I might at times add or delete a few words here or there, but overall the message is as clear as if I have seen them just yesterday. My purpose of narration is to engender a chain-reaction from like-minded people who can email me their dreams which are true and Islamic in nature. I will try to add them to my website and interpret them. Any grammatical or spelling mistakes are unintentional. God Bless.